FeneTech’s Ron Crowl reveals the key to inspiring employees

FeneTech President & CEO Ron Crowl doesn’t just talk about his company’s mission statement, he lives it every single day.

How do you get your employees to live your mission statement?  For some in management, the answer is easy; for others, not so much. 

Creating a culture of respect among your staff—respect for you, for each other, and for their colleagues in other departments will naturally evolve into a deeper respect for your company and thus your mission.  This often occurs organically in smaller companies where a natural symbiosis develops among staff due in no small part to proximity.  In larger companies, where folks might go days or even weeks without seeing the people who work in other areas, the challenges are greater, but the need to develop this culture of respect is just as vital to the company’s survival if not more so.

Once this culture of respect is planted, cultivated, and tended, the resulting harvest—ripe for the picking—includes employees who are inspired to live your company’s mission.  They’ll go where you go, they’ll feel as you do, and the result is that you’ll have instilled in your people the fuel that drives your company forward.

“Inspire your employees to walk your walk and watch your team march down the field toward the goal.”

As long as you walk the walk.

If you’re going to ask your staff to embrace a philosophy that you’ve worked hard to develop, it goes without saying that they’re going to look to you for the map that takes them where you want them to go. 

Inspiration is the key.  Expecting this to happen by fiat is tantamount to running a dictatorship, and no one wants to work for a tyrant.

Inspire your employees to walk your walk and watch your team march down the field toward the goal.